Defend the Right to Protest: The Olympics and Beyond

Tuesday 26th June 7pm-9pm

Harmony Hall, Truro Road, Walthamstow, E17 7BY
Speakers include:
Simon Moore: Campaigner and recipient of Olympic ASBO
Alfie Meadows: Student charged with violent disorder after his skull was fractured by police
Caroline Day: Save Leyton Marsh Group
Speaker from Newham Monitoring Project
Brian Richardson: Barrister & author of ‘Tell it Like it is – How Schools Fail Black Children’

Our campaign against the theft and destruction of Leyton Marsh has been handled by the authorities in the most punitive manner possible. As a result of our protest to try and save our marsh against unnecessary destruction for the Olympics, we have been served with 3 High Court injunctions, three peaceful protestors and a local journalist have been jailed and the first ever Olympic ASBO has been issued.

Leyton Marsh and our campaigners have fallen victim to the most commercial and militarised Olympics ever. Worse is to come. East London will soon see over 20,000 police, 21,000 private security staff, MOD staff & FBI descend on our streets armed with a host of new powers to supress dissent.

All this follows the criminalisation of students following last year’s protests. It is becomingly increasingly difficult to protest against injustice in any meaningful way; any protest with an impact is banned and criminalised.

This meeting will to be an opportunity to discuss the issues, share experiences and build solidarity between groups and individuals who wish to defend our civil liberties in the face of this Olympic assault.

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