New Calendar Available Now!

SLM Calendar add 2016

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2 Responses to New Calendar Available Now!

  1. fluxarthigh says:


    Curious to know more, do you have meetings etc? Is the marshes now privately owned due to sell off as such what’s the very real likelihood it’ll be closed off to the public and to boaters for that matter?

    • 1leytonmarshlover says:

      Yes we do have meetings every two weeks, our next meeting is on Monday 1st February at 7.30pm at The Princess of Wales.The main threat to the marshes is through privatisation by stealth. Recent developments in proposals for the area mean Metropolitan Open Land opposite Leyton Marsh may be acquired for a ‘free’ school and we are in discussions with the LVRPA who may wish to develop the current ice rink into one twice the size on Leyton Marsh! Feel free to attend our meetings to find out more or sign up to our weekly digest by emailing

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