Shaun Dawson
Chief Executive
Lea Valley Regional Park Authority
Myddelton House
Bulls Cross
Enfield, EN2 9HG
Dear Shaun,
London Wildlife Limited recently prepared a report for the Lea Valley Regional Park
Authority, entitled ‘Leyton Marsh Extended Phase 1 Habitat and NVC Survey Report
September 2013’. This report contained a number of habitat management
recommendations, which we urge the LVRPA to adopt.
We particularly call on the LVRPA to heed the report’s call to:
• Limit the mowing that takes place on the site and, when it is mown, to limit the
cut to no shorter than 10cm.
• Harrow and/or scarify the area of grassland planted after the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games.
• Use the stem injection method to manage Giant Hogweed, and explore the
viability of non-chemical removal options.
We also note that the report states:
This wider landscape has plentiful – if somewhat fragmented – green space, mostly
managed as amenity space and gardens, and provides some wildlife interest. This
mosaic of greenspace undoubtedly provides Leyton Marsh with a higher biodiversity
value that it would if it was entirely isolated from nearby greenspaces. Therefore the
continued protection and enhancement of this Living Landscape is paramount to
maintain the biodiversity value of Leyton Marsh itself.
We therefore call on the LVRPA to publically reaffirm its commitment to protecting the
green spaces in the Lower Lea Valley from development, to working tirelessly to
improve and safeguard biodiversity and to establishing a herbicide-free management
plan in the area.
We would like to see the Lower Lea Valley flourish, allowing the grassland to flower
to maximise the existing flora and to provide a haven for butterflies, invertebrates,
birds and small mammals. It should be a multipurpose space; an attractive blend of
environments to balance the needs of people and wildlife and to provide a buffer to
Walthamstow Marshes SSSI.
You have already agreed to many of the proposals contained in the report and we
would welcome your detailed response to each recommendation.
Yours sincerely
Claire Weiss
Jason Broadbent
Robin Grey
Joe Ward
Abigail Woodman
David Rees
Anna O’Brien
Oliver Williams
Caroline Day
Vicky Sholund
Peter Mudge
Celia Coram
Paul Charman
Katy Andrews
Julian Cheyne
Joan Yeadon
Melissa Ronaldson, Herbalist
Councillor Ian Rathbone, Leabridge Ward, Hackney
Councillor Deniz Oguzkanli, Leabridge Ward, Hackney
Kev Dovey, Hackney Marshes User Group Committee Member
Fi Stephens, Hackney Marshes User Group Committee Member
Anna Evely, project MAYA and SEEDBALL
Damian Rafferty, Chair, Mabley Green Users Group
Save Lea Marshes
Pesticide Action Network UK
Millfields User Group
Sustainable Hackney
cc. Cath Patrick, Senior Conservation Officer
Martin Page, Greenspace Manager – Parklands and Venues