This year we’ll be taking a gentle stroll for our biennial Beating the Bounds, following the ancient tradition of blessing the boundaries of the area by ambling around the perimeter of Leyton and Walthamstow Marshes.
Beating the Bounds traditionally involves a walk to mark significant boundaries, like the boundaries of a parish, a manor, commons or another important public open space. This often takes place during Rogationtide, in springtime, when prayers for a good harvest are offered. Willow sticks decorated with flowers and ribbons are carried and used to hit important boundary markers.
This year Rogation Sunday is on 14th May.
We will meet to begin our walk on the towpath by the Princess of Wales pub E5 9RB at 2pm on 14th May.
We will be keeping up the traditions, and sharing snippets of information – past and present – as we wander along. We will also have a special activity for children.
Please wear sensible shoes and bring water. The walk will last approximately 2 hours and will end at Leyton Jubilee Park, although you can leave at any point along the way.